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About SEO

Matching Talent with Opportunity for Over 50 Years

Our Story

Sponsors for Educational Opportunity was founded as a non-profit in 1963 as one of New York City’s first mentoring programmes for underprivileged high school students.  It aimed to provide personal and educational development for students from minority ethnic groups by means of sustained support and coaching.


In 1980, SEO established a Career Programme in New York to provide summer internship opportunities to university students at investment banks on Wall Street. Subsequent internship programmes have been developed in management consulting, corporate law, marketing, human resources, accounting, technology, and non-profit.  


Additionally, the programme has expanded geographically to London, Shanghai, Ho-Chih Mihn City, and now Accra.

SEO now has over 19,000 alumni residents in over 48 different countries.


Visit the SEO USA website.

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